Gear Up for Every Adventure — Durable, Functional, Reliable.
Elevate your performance with Archon's IX9 Lightweight Quick-Dry Tactical Trousers, offering remarkable functionality at an unbeatable price point. Crafted from...
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The standard shipping fee is £4.99, if customer order over £100, he will get the free shipping.
We typically ship products within 1-2 business days from when you place your order.
Contact support@falour.uk as early as possible to make the changes. Please be noted that one can not make changes to the order once the order ships.
To initiate the cancellation of your order, please send an email to support@falour.uk with all the necessary information, expressing your desire to cancel your order.
Please note that orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled. Once you receive our shipment notification, the order is considered final. In such cases, we recommend waiting for the package to arrive and then deciding whether you'd like to keep it or initiate a return/exchange. If you choose to return the item, you will be responsible for covering the postage required to send the original item back to our collection warehouse. Upon confirming the receipt of your order at our collection warehouse, a refund of your payment will be processed.
For return product or refund, please read our Return Policy first.
If you insist, please send an Email to support@falour.uk or leave your message Here and we will help you to solve the problems.
Please tell us your Order # and we will process for you.